Elvijs Viļevičs @aparaats James Baroud Space on top of his Audi for family camping

5 years extended warranty

Extend your rooftop tent warranty from 3 to 5 years by filling the form below up until 90 days after your purchase.

Elvijs Viļevičs @aparaats

    Rooftop Tents

    Awnings and Accessories

    *Required fields

    The warranty extension is applied to tents bought after January 2024 by registering this form up until 90 days after your purchase.
    You can still register outside of that time window, but the warranty coverage will be at the manufacturer’s discretion.
    James Baroud offers a 3-year manufacturer warranty period for all products, with the possibility to extend the rooftop tent warranty to 5 years upon registration on our website within 90 days after purchase. The extension does not apply to the solar fan, the flashlight, the latches and the gel coat.

    If you have more than 1 invoice with different tents, please submit this form again with the same contact information.
    The extension is applied to the serial number, so it is passed on to subsequent product owners if made inside its required time window.
    In the case of litigation or contestation the court of Porto, Portugal has jurisdiction.